Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wants, needs, and bikinis....

I wasn't going to post on Sundays, but I just felt the need to share and remind everyone tomorrow is "TALE FROM THE SCALE" day!
so for my title-Just wanted to share how my day went-Ladies I want to have success so bad that it is driving me crazy, but even with all the mental determination my goals and plans get lost in my emotions.
Let me start off by this morning I asked kid #1 if he wanted pizza today-of course yes was the answer. After church kid #1 still said yes but kid#2 says no way! I want subway-so here starts the delimma!
The WANT: I wanted pizza, I could taste it, smell it, picture it and the rolls that would follow on my plate
The NEED: I needed to eat a healty sub (with spinach to help my possible low iron to help keep me warm)
here is how bad my emotions took over-We went to the sub place got kid #1 and #2 a sub then proceeded to go next door and order a pizza for me and hubby. I even got caught on this venture by a fellow weight loss friend, and I really think seeing her seeing me is what got me to realize how emotionally off this was!
honestly ladies after this event and eating the pizza I realized that I honestly would rather have eaten the NEED instead of the WANT! after this event, I walked into a store (with a "light" WANT coffee drink in hand) and saw the new section of bikinis!
To get to my ultimate goal and close to a bikini I have got to let go of the WANTS and focus on the NEEDS. I say all of this to say there will be great days and bad days we just have to make sure the good out weigh the bad and that the bad are limited to a day, not a week, month, or the rest of the year. THIS, is why I started the LOSER CHICKS-for support and encouragement on days like these.
I will end by saying I am glad this day happened and it made me realize I cant do it alone and I need the FULL support of all those around me, around each of us to have success. Hubby is now on track with a goal of 60 lbs to lose and we have a plan in the works!
Have a blessed evening and happy day tomorrow-I look forward to your "Tale"


  1. I totally agree with you Cheryl. It is so hard to make the healthy choices. There are so many temptations out there that are healthy, but you just get the cravings. I passed up eating out when I was at work this weekend for some broccoli soup. I was so craving some 4 way spaghetti that everyone else was eating, but I ate my soup! I am also proud that I have not had any pop for 5 days! I usually drink Diet Dr. Pepper, but I have settled for tea and water.

    I stepped on the scale for the first time yesterday and about had a heart attack. I am determined now to do all that I can to get rid of all of this weight.

    I spent the morning today mall walking with the old people. I put my headphones in my ears and started making laps around Promenade! I made 5 laps around the lower level and 3 laps on the upper level. I walked for a total of 45 minutes! Everytime I approached a ramp or the stairs...I took the stairs. I also took the stairs (not the escelator) when switching from the upper level to the lower level! I felt so good after walking and I am determined to do this everyday that I am not working. I would like to build up enough to walk a hour or an hour and a half!

    I am planning on doing some exercises here at the house..maybe even some wii playing! I can't wait until my next weigh in next week to see if I have lost anything!

  2. South Beach is about to kill me. If I see one more green beans I might die. I'm only doing it till tomorrow, but I don't know if I have the will anymore! I am so cranky too and I don't feel like just because I'm trying to lose weight, automatically makes me cranky!

    I've lost two more pounds, totaling seven now since I've started, which was just before Christmas. I also don't mean to be so 'blah', but seven pounds 'before' use to be GREAT! That was b/c I only had to lose ten...but now that I need to lose pounds just doesn't seem all that great. I gotta be strong though! Still hitting the gym religiously.

    After South Beach I just don't know where to go...Special K diet for two weeks? One week? Try the Alli that I bought? Do a Weight Watchers type of thing that I've never done before but with the help of Amy? (And Cheryl I'm sure =) Or just do it on my own. I don't know what type of a commitment I want to make and having a skinny, skinny husband who can eat whatever he wants does not help! Any advice ladies?

  3. Aw crap!!! I just wrote this long comment venting my frustration about my mood swings when I do WW and it deleted it all. As goes my day. Now my kid is still screaming so I can't retype it all. I JUST WANT SOME FREAKING FOOD! And it's only day 2 for me.

  4. Renee - I feel your pain with the skinny husband. On more than one occasion I've let my emotions get the best of me. He'll sit around in the evening and munch on nachos, or chips and salsa, and I have to sit there and watch, knowing that if I eat late, I gain weight. But not him. He snacks all day and nothing. He's always hungry because he has crazy metabolism, he has to eat a lot to keep UP his weight. I'm so used to always makeing things fair, sharing equal portions, but I need to remember that I have a much slower metabolism, that requires far fewer calories to function (or gain weight).

  5. I also wanted to add to Cheryls comment about bad days. We're allowed bad days, we're allowed to celebrate or reward ourselves every now and then. We shouldn't deprive ourselves all the time, we should treat ourselves. If we treat ourselves and we get out of hand and end up eating the entire dessert buffet today, fine, tomorrow we'll eat less. A bad day does not end our fight, and we could not give up. Let it go, and move on, keep on keepin on as they say.
    Good Luck everyone!

    And what is everyone's opinion of using exact numbers? Would we prefer that no one say how our goal weight vs current weight, and only how much they want to lose?

  6. I agree with Tracy. If we do not allow ourselves to "cheat" every now and then, it will just lead to binge eating. I have decided that if I do really well all week, then on the weekend I can splurge a little.

    I am ok with using exact numbers. For example, when I weighed last Sunday I was 195. (Yeah, I know that is horrible!) I am hoping in the end to lose at least 50 lbs and get to 150. I would love to be less than that, but I am going to start slow. I cant wait to weigh in again next week to see if I have lost anything!

  7. Tracy, thanks for understanding! His metabolism is just silly if you ask me. And that's the thing...he can't even really eat 'right' with me either. Like when I was doing South Beach...the poor guy would have lost 20 lbs having no carbs like that. You're right, I just have to come to accept that my body functions differently! =)


About Me

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definition of ME: a happy, blessed, cared for, loved, respected,Christ forgiven chick that wants to lose weight, feel great, and support others along the way.